Premium Package 
INVEST in the Magic of YOU.

$9,999 $5,555

Includes Group Program PLUS Personalised 1:1 Support with Sophie

This Package Includes Direct 1:1 Support

Receive a highly personalised experience.

INVEST in your evolution.

 Feel deeply supported as your transformation unfolds.

Sophie is an experienced guide who specialises in working deeply with you 1:1.

She provides a safe, nourishing, supportive space for you to resolve all that's holding you back,

And the encouragement and belief in you to evolve into the beautiful, true YOU that is already inside.

Evolve Gracefully,
Be Who You Came Here To Be.

Embody Your Soul's Magic,
Light & Potential.

Self-Healing, Self-Belief + Self-Mastery,
In Communion With Your Soul


Feeling free, joyful + aligned
With confidence in yourself, your Soul + your abilities.
Loving + accepting yourself more than ever before!

Knowing you are on the right path, with clear inner guidance on your direction,
Guided by gratitude + grace, to create your most aligned life,
With clarity on who you are and your purpose here on this earth.

You are self-sustaining with tools to support your own evolution + healing.
You are grounded, centred + in tune with both the spiritual + physical in life.
You are devoted to your spiritual path + expanding on your purpose.

Making progress on your goals + dreams is fun + fulfilling.
You overcome challenges with grace,
Because you have the ability to self-heal + all confidence you need to succeed, within.

You live more in "flow"
And life feels magical,
 Because you are aligned with your Soul.

You align yourself to higher quality relationships, jobs and environments,
By recognising your right to Love and Happiness.
So everything in your reality shifts to reflect your inner Worth.

You attune to your Divine Self,
So you are able to surrender more + live in deep trust and faith.
Success, magic + miracles appear for you.

Deep healing + resolution for the past causes major transformations in you.
Resentment, unworthiness and shame are replaced with deep Wisdom, Love, Compassion + Self-Worth,
So that your natural state becomes the continual embodiment of Love and expansion of the Heart.

You radiate joy for the now + readiness for the future.

You Are Ready.


Premium (Group & 1:1) 
Mentorship + Course

9 Month Portal of Guidance, Healing & Support 
for your Evolution Journey

Monthly Group Calls -
confidential group coaching + healing.
Valued at $1998
Monthly 1:1 Sessions -
confidential coaching + personalised vibrational healing with Sophie.
 Valued at $2,997

9 Module Online Course -
guiding you through the 9 Steps to Embody Your Soul's Potential.
Valued at $2,222

Group Chat -
share, connect + receive support.
Valued at $1,111

1:1 Private Message Chat  -
ask questions + receive support directly with Sophie in-between sessions.
Valued at $2,222

+ BONUS: Cosmic Access Pass - 
9 month Access to Portal of Activations, Meditations + Healings!
Valued at $396

Total Value: over $9,999

Dive DEEP into your healing + evolution.
EMBODY higher aspects of YOU.
Stay on track & grounded in your spiritual path.

'EVOLVE' deeply supports you to reconnect with your Soul & reclaim your Worth,
to live your most joyful, soul-fulfilled life!

Your Investment: 5,555 AUD

Payment Plans Available

What will you learn inside of 'Evolve'!?


Self-Healing & Self-Mastery Processes to apply in your life.


Release limiting blocks that have stopped you from living a Soul-fulfilled life!


Playfully reconnect with your Inner Child- for healing and joy! 


How to EMBRACE and integrate your 'Shadow Self,'


Move PAST your barriers and into SOUL-ALIGNMENT.



Integrate HIGHER STATES OF BEING into your physical self & daily way of living.




Understand yourself and Life, from your Soul's perspective.


Reconnect with your Higher Self and The Universe.


Become further embodied as your Soul on Earth.




You'll Receive...

Online Course
9 Modules

Access to EVOLVE online course, which you'll get to keep even after your 9 months is complete!

You will gain access to one module each month, giving you plenty of time to truly integrate and embody the monthly lessons, reflections and practices, into your life.

1:1 Support Sessions 
Monthly Calls with Sophie

Private 1:1 calls with Sophie supporting you to process and transform. Anything that needs to be shifted, processed, released or activated within you will have space to come up in these sessions, so we can heal and resolve it together! We can cover course content, personalised healing sessions, or any questions you may have. 

Private 1:1 Chat
Weekly Check-ins

Direct access to Sophie via message chat to ask any questions you may have and receive support in-between sessions.
Sophie will check in with you personally each week to offer you support and encouragement on your evolution journey! You can express your thoughts, feelings and ask for feedback or support via our personal 1:1 chat.


Group Calls
Monthly Calls with Sophie

Group calls with the EVOLVE participants, supporting you to process and transform. We can cover course content, group coaching, energy activations, group meditations, or any questions or topics that come up from the group. There will be space to share your experiences and questions.

Group Message Chat
Connect + Support

Group messaging chat to share your experiences, connect and receive support in-between the group calls. 

Sophie will check in with the chat each week to see how you are travelling and if there are any questions inside the chat.

Activation Portal

You'll get a 9 month Cosmic Access Pass to a Library of Activations + Meditations, throughout the duration of your time in EVOLVE.

The Activation Portal will be there to support you energetically, as you make big shifts.

I'm Sophie

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support on Earth!

As a Reiki Master, Light Language Channel, Soul Retrieval Practitioner, Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner, Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Healer - I offer my Mentorship, as well as my Vibrational Healing & Cosmic Activations for the right clients. 

I can help you...

~ Connect to the Divine within You,
~ Reclaim your Joy & Abundance Frequency,
~ Remember your Worth & embody Self-Love,
~ Connect with your Inner Child & live playfully!
~ Heal deep wounds with compassion & pure love.
~ Live more freely, guided by your SOUL.
~ And more.

Client Love

'The ability to hold loving space and to really see a person is a rarity'

I love how you genuinely show up to support me!

Many healers, starseed, mystic whatever ya wanna call it have a real talent for working with energy and channeling... but to have the ability to hold space so loving, supportive and really seeing a person is a rarity.

'A system to use for the rest of your life!'

This is 100% filled with healing energy - Sophie clearly pours her Heart and Soul into sharing her incredible Gifts in this Program.

I honestly believe this is a system you will continue to use for the rest of your life - Yes, it's that good!

'Would highly recommend!'

Sophie's healing abilities were astonishing! You can really feel the energy and passion she brings to each session.

I left my reiki session with a clear mind after uncovering some old childhood wounds.

Would highly recommend Sophie and what she has to offer!

''Felt in my heart it was for me''

I could resonate with the programme, felt in my heart it was for me.

I feel like my body released some emotions that no longer serve me. Raised my vibration. I felt lighter, more relaxed and definitely more grounded.

I'm Here To Support You!
You're Not Alone In Your Evolution.

Some of the ways I support you to transform are...

Evolve with Grace
Master Your Evolution

This journey we called 'life' can feel so hard at times! Especially when we perceive ourselves as helpless to our circumstances. I can support you to take your Evolution into your hands, to nurture & guide yourself, even through the difficult times. I provide you with tools to take with you so you can recognise your power to create, and evolve with more joy, grace and ease - for the rest of your life.

Live Playfully
Find the Joy Within You!

Life can feel sad and confusing, when we disconnect from our Joy and forget who we are. Remember that your joy doesn't come from the things outside of you- it comes from within. And it is always there.
I can help you to embrace the JOY of your Soul and remember the playfulness of your Inner Child! To PLAY with life, and make Joy a consistent part of how you feel and experience your life.

Whole-Self Integration 
Reconcile Your Shadow

When we are consistently feeling disconnected, ashamed or unhappy in our life, it's because we have fragments of the Self that are existing out of harmony - parts of ourselves we are avoiding or rejecting. I can help you resolve past pains, accept your shadow (we all have one), and integrate these aspects with love - so you can find deeper compassion for yourself, remember you are unconditionally worthy and feel the wholeness that comes from reconciling with the 'lost' parts of your Soul.

Embody Your Soul
Live Your Purpose

Life is only unfulfilling when we're out of alignment with our Soul. By letting go of limitation and unworthiness, and embracing the true you who is free and worthy - you can finally be who you came here to be! I can help you reconnect with who you are, remember Your Unique Magic and follow your Soul's Guidance to live your Purpose. By embodying your Soul you can: express your passions, positively impact the world and live with greater joy, love, freedom and harmony!
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Your Soul Is Calling...

Will You Answer?


Cosmically Encoded

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and BE your SOUL!

She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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