Cosmically Encoded

Activation Portal

free your soul

Created with your Heart, Soul & Higher Self in mind.

An array of uplifting resources to support your evolution & spiritual awakening.
Designed to to activate Self-Belief, propel you on your Purpose & inspire you to actualise your Dreams.

♡ Affordable Activations ♡

Begin Your Journey Here!

See what people have to say ♡

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A system to use for the rest of your life!

This is 100% filled with healing energy - Sophie clearly pours her Heart and Soul into sharing her incredible Gifts in this Program. I honestly believe this is a system you will continue to use for the rest of your life - Yes, it's that good!

Write your awesome label here.

I am sincerely blown away!

The results of this cleanse program were epic for me. I didnt realize how much mental and emotional feelings needed to be worked on. Some memories from my childhood came up and cleanse helped me to work through them and let them go. A huge weight was lifted from my heart and mind. I am sincerely blown away!
Write your awesome label here.

like the feeling of a warm hug

I've been struggling with low self worth, fear, and social anxiety... I feel a bit looser and not so wound up and am finally ready to let it all go and let it flow. I could definitely feel the heart and love in the sessions - almost like the feeling of a warm hug at times.
Write your awesome label here.

Felt in my heart it was for me

I could resonate with the programme, felt in my heart it was for me. I feel like my body released some emotions that no longer serve me. Raised my vibration. I felt lighter, more relaxed and definitely more grounded.
♡ All Activations ♡

Your Soul's Next Journey

Pssssttt.... Wanna know a secret?!

You can get most of these activations, inside The Portal Pass...

for a fraction of the price...

Best Option♡

The Portal Pass

Step into the portal of your infinite potential. Get more activations, for a fraction of the price. Plus a Free Trial to start you off.

Write your awesome label here.
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Open a whole world of Energy Activations

Online Activations + Healings

We are changing the way you heal + vibrationally align, by offering Light Language, Reiki + Energy Work all online.

Uplift to Higher Frequencies

Our online programs are an opportunity for you to receive Cosmic Upgrades and high vibrational frequencies, in the comfort of your own home, or wherever you are! These can be fully accessible by anyone who has access to an internet connection.

Write your awesome label here.

Receive at your own pace

Online activations allows you the  opportunity to receive at your own pace, so you have enough time to process and heal in your own timing. You can return to your activations + healings again and again, whenever you need.

Expert Healer

Sophie is qualified in multiple energy modalities and has been working with energy for years. You'll feel very safe in her nurturing hands, knowing you're receiving divinely channelled and Love-aligned healings and activations.
A Personalised Experience

Ready to go deeper on your path?

Your journey is as unique as you are. That's why, when you're really committing to your path, getting tailored support is essential!

If you're looking for a more personalised experience, you can r
eceive premium tailored sessions with Sophie - to guide your journey of Evolution & Soul Actualisation.

Cosmically Encoded

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and BE your SOUL!

She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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