Believe in the Magic of YOU.

A journey of self-realisation, guiding you from Soul Connection to Purpose Discovery with... 

  • Teachings & Lectures
  • Meditations & Energy Activations
  • Shadow Play & Inner Child Healing
  • Spiritual Practices
  • Self-Reflection & Creative Activities
  • Understanding Your Human Psychology
  • Teachings & Lectures

  • Meditations & Energy Activations

  • Shadow Play & Inner Child Healing

  • Self-Reflection & Creative Activities 
  • Spiritual Tools & Practices 
  • Understanding Your Human Psychology

The Magical Guide to Your Evolution

You Are Uniquely Valuable

You have a magic inside you.

A magic that is uniquely yours.

Something valuable that can uplift and brighten the world.

Something that can't be destroyed, though the world may have tried to dim it.

Innate within you is an authenticity that lives in your Heart and reflects in everything you do. 

A Passion & Purpose that will fulfil you, bring you joy and drive you forward.

An ease of being that is calling you to rest, enjoy, nourish and create from your own essence.

This is the Magic of You.

You can actualise your Soul's Purpose and make your Dreams a reality.

Your true Purpose, Desires & Dreams come as a natural bi-product of you being authentically & magically you.

Embark upon this journey of Self-Discovery & Soul Actualisation where you will:

𓁿 transcend self-doubt by embracing who you are & your unique Magic

𓁿 foster a deep connection with your Soul to  receive your own spiritual guidance

𓁿 transform the past with Wisdom & Courage so you can heal from painful times & emerge stronger

𓁿 embrace your ever-evolving nature and joyfully ride the changes of life

𓁿 discover your Purpose on this Earth, and develop the resilience & belief to achieve it

𓁿 envision & begin creating a life that authentically reflects you.

This is the Magical Guide to Your Evolution Journey. 

Will you join us? ♡ 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

What exactly do we explore inside 'Evolve'?

Evolve is a 9-Phase Journey. It guides you purposefully through the phases, with each new step building upon the last. It's designed that way - so that you create a strong, lasting, solid foundation for yourself to continue to grow, expand & reach your dreams! Because, the deeper the roots, the taller the tree.

Module 1
Soul Connection

Heighten your Self-Esteem and get in touch with who YOU are, so you can create a life aligned with your true desires.

  • Discover Your Soul's Desires
  • Uncover Matrix Programming
  • Explore Your Authentic Self

Module 2
Mental Clarity

Discover the limiting beliefs that are INHIBITING YOU from living the life you dream of - and address them!

  • Rewire Limiting Beliefs
  • Learn an Ancient Meditation Practice
  • Become the 'Observer'

Module 3

Enhance your magnetism and your enjoyment of life, by developing safety and comfort in your own feelings.

  • Embrace Your Emotions
  • Pranayama to Balance Your Nervous System
  • Begin Alchemising Pain Into Wisdom

Module 4
Physical Integration

Take tangible actions and make aligned choices that actually allow you to actualise your goals. 

  • Prioritise Your Physical Wellbeing
  • Develop an Evolutionary Mindset
  • Take Aligned Action Toward Your Goals

Module 5
Inner Child

Embrace pure-heartedness and have more fun! This is a BIG freedom, joy and playfulness activation. As well as lots of nurturing and healing of your little self! 

  • Play & Connect With Your Inner Child!
  • Explore Your Basic Human Needs
  • Heal & Nurture Your Inner Child

Module 6
Shadow Play

Embrace all parts of yourself, so you can move forward on your dreams more freely and successfully - with less division and restriction.

  • Playfully Explore Your Shadow (hidden self)
  • Understand Yourself as a Multi-faceted Human
  • Begin to Embody Your Love & Wholeness

Module 7
Spiritual Alignment

Tap directly in with your Spiritual Self, work with energy and begin developing an even deeper connection with Spirit.

  • Become the Artist of Your Life
  • Play With a Variety of Spiritual Tools
  • Align With Your Authentic Spiritual Self

Module 8
Purpose Discovery

Discover your hidden gifts, develop the qualities needed to share them, and activate your PURPOSE. 

  • Discover What Truly Motivates & Fulfils You
  • Yoga Philosophy's Approach to Purpose (Dharma)
  • Embody Your Soul & Be You!

Module 9
Life Mastery

Life is a continual Evolution, you are ever-unfolding. Prepare yourself for the journey ahead of actualising your Purpose!

  • Make Your Own Rules & Redefine Success
  • Expand Your Zone of Comfort
  • Create Your Ideal Reality & Take Steps to Start Living it

Every Module Includes:

Guided Meditations & Activations

Each module begins with an 'Activation' that is specifically purposed to energetically prepare you for the module ahead. There are further meditations & activations heavily sprinkled throughout the modules. Sophie is a gifted guide who softly & purposefully brings you into a new space - energetically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually with each guided process.

Light Language

Sophie is a cosmic channel, with Light Language being one of her most prominent forms of energy work. Light Language bypasses the conscious mind and works directly on the subconscious, energetic & Soul-Level - to vibrationally uplift and shift you to where your Soul is calling you to be. These light activations invaluably bring you into present-moment communion with your soul, and are sprinkled throughout the course, often popping randomly into the video lectures as additional support :)

Video Lectures: Teachings & Wisdom-Dropping

Sophie grounds this course with her studies in Psychology, Philosophy and many Spiritual Modalities like Meditation and Energy Healing.  Above all, she channels her Soul's wisdom, amplified through her embodied life experiences - to guide and support your Evolution journey. Expect some gentle reminders, some direct honesty, and some interesting insights - to shift your perspective, inspire your evolution and elevate your way of being. As well explanations of various practices and a deeper understanding of how your human psychology works.

Embodiment Practices: Self-Reflection & Creative Activities!

Every module invites you to apply the teachings & activations in tangible ways. Whether that be through self-reflection, creative activities or taking action on your self-defined goals. There are some defined practices & creative exercises offered, as well as offerings for how you could move through your life in a new way. Your own application of the Wisdom is where you will see the greatest results in your life!

Bonus Content & Written PDFs

Each module includes 'Bonus Content' to support your growth. These are videos from various sources, such as Sophie's Youtube Channel and even her other courses (meaning you're accessing additional paid content for free!), bringing all the relevant content into one convenient place for you. 

The modules also include written PDFs which offer additional  ideas and information that will help you on your evolution journey. Some of this content is not included in the video lectures, or clarifies the video content, so I highly recommend you utilise the written content also!

Live Replays

Sophie ran this course live the first round, so you will have access to all 9(+) live session replays inside the modules!

These sessions generally include light language & energy work, discussion on the contents of the module, and interactions with the group participants sharing their personal thoughts & experiences. These are extremely valuable to watch in the replay!

If further Lives are run for evolve participants, you may have the opportunity to interact live also (yet tbc). These may be added into the course as well.

Specifically attuned, channeled & designed to amplify the unique purpose of each phase of your journey.

Write your awesome label here.

I'm grateful for this sense of freedom

Sophie is fantastic. Supportive, positive strong, a firm guide, with empathy and kindness, non judgmental and free spirited. I am really grateful for this experience and sense of freedom.
Write your awesome label here.

You're probably looking into this for a reason

You're in safe hands to really let go into the process. Sophie took a very intuitive approach and supported me at my pace...  Know that you're probably looking into this for a reason & that you're in good hands 💓

The Perks of Joining Now

🤍 Lifetime Access, Including Future Updates!

  • Evolve is with you, for life.
    Once you've invested in this course, you're a lifelong member of our evolving community :) You can come and go, stay for a while, or even return (maybe after years) whenever your life is in a state of shifting, and you'd like some support. 

  • Get the most out of Evolve
    This means, if I make future updates to the course, like adding content or upgrading the modules, you will automatically have access to it. (this is great news for you, because you'll be getting all the updates without paying updated prices)

Evolve Gracefully,
Be Who You Came Here To Be.

It's possible♡


Feeling free, joyful and aligned

With confidence in yourself, your Soul and your abilities.
Loving and accepting yourself more than ever before!
Knowing you are on the right path, with clear inner guidance on your direction, guided by gratitude and grace, to create your most aligned life, with clarity on who you are and your purpose here on this earth.
You are self-sustaining with tools to support your own evolution and healing. You are grounded, centred and in tune with both the spiritual and physical in life. You are devoted to your spiritual path and expanding on your purpose.
Making progress on your goals and dreams is fun and fulfilling. You overcome challenges with grace, because you have the ability to self-heal and all confidence you need to succeed, within.
You live more in "flow" and life feels magical,
ecause you are aligned with your Soul.
You align yourself to higher quality relationships, jobs and environments, by recognising your right to Love and Happiness. So everything in your reality shifts to reflect your inner Worth.
You attune to your Divine Self, so you are able to surrender more and live in deep trust and faith.

Success, magic and miracles appear for you.
Deep healing and resolution for the past causes major transformations in you. Resentment, unworthiness and shame are replaced with deep Wisdom, Love, Compassion and Self-Worth, so that your natural state becomes the continual embodiment of Love and expansion of the Heart.
You radiate joy for the now and readiness for the future.
You Are Ready.

Learn the essential tools to master your own evolution and healing. Create desired changes in your life and live your dreams.
Boost your confidence and self-belief. Know who you are. Be nourished and supported to grow. Embrace your authentic self.
Write your awesome label here.

It's Possible For You ♡

Why choose EVOLVE?

𓂀 Cosmic activations, light language, meditations and guided processes to help you heal and activate your higher potentials, bringing you closer to your truest self and the life that will fulfil you.

𓂀 Uncover your unique Soul's gifts and discover your Life Purpose - what you're here on earth to do! So you can follow your higher purpose and feel free, abundant and fulfilled.

𓂀 Gain a deeper connection with your Soul and Higher Self so that you can experience magic, spiritual connection and alignment.

𓂀 Learn valuable tools for your own healing and evolution, such as Shadow Play and Inner Child Healing. So you know how to successfully move through challenges and love yourself through change - so that you can always feel supported, loved, worthy and prepared.

𓂀 Clear direction in your life, goals & dreams by tuning in with your authentic self and the divine guidance within you. Be guided by your inner wisdom so you can make the most of your life and be who you came here to be.

𓂀 Amplify your ability to achieve, succeed & thrive in whatever you choose to pursue and feel motivated towards your dreams. Because you understand the power of your mind, emotions, body and Soul to create transformations in your life.

𓂀 Design a life you LOVE that reflects your authentic soul, because you know it's possible to follow your dreams and you feel well-equipped to do so.

Activate Your Soul's Potential

This course guides YOU to connect with your own Higher Self, Soul and Inner Guidance and supports you with guided processes, lessons and activations. You will feel your spiritual connection on a tangible level and be able to find the answers within yourself. So you can trust yourself and your life can feel more magical, peaceful, guided, clear and aligned.

Be Your True Self

You will be guided on a magical journey of self-discovery to find out who you really are, feel worthy and whole, and truly enjoy being YOU. You will learn to believe in your magic, feel worthy of your dreams and actualise your higher potentials that you know you're meant for!

Become Your Own Healer

You will learn the most valuable tools for your healing and evolution, and be guided on a nourishing journey of deep soul healing. Bringing you to a state of wholeness, so that you can move forward with clarity, confidence and renewed purpose to achieve your potential.

Discover Your Purpose

By taking this journey with me, you you are embarking on a uniquely magical path of self-discovery & soul actualisation to uncover your true self. You will be supported to find your unique soul's gifts, reveal your passions and discover your Higher Purpose on this earth, so that you can create a soul-aligned meaningful life of fulfilment, abundance, enjoyment and positive impact that you truly crave.
Meet Your Guide

Sophie ♡

Creative Soul ♡ Infinite Being 

Sophie works with the magical and cosmic realms, channeling light, creativity & intuitive wisdom to support your evolution. Sophie’s offering is to hold you in love and inspiration as you delve deeper within, open into your magic and embody your soul. With the essence of joy and an aura of love, she encourages you to playfully reconnect with your heart, soul and your inner child for a fulfilling time on earth! 

Meditation Guide | Reiki Master & Light Language Channel | Soul Retrieval Practitioner | Adv. ThetaHealer | Studies in Psychology & Philosophy (BA) | Currently Undertaking Masters in Counselling & Psychotherapy | Soon-to-be studying Holistic Integrative Creative Arts Therapies (HICAT) ♡

"I am here to hold space for your deepest healing, and your highest evolution. I love you, I see you and I believe in your infinite potential. We're all ever-evolving beings. So let's evolve together!"


Creative Soul ♡ Infinite Being 
"I am here to hold space for your deepest healing, and your highest evolution. I love you, I see you and I believe in your infinite potential. We're all ever-evolving beings. So let's evolve together!"


Cosmic Guide | Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Meet Your Guide

Sophie ♡

Soul Retrieval Practitioner | Reiki Master | Meditation Leader | Light Language Channel | Advanced ThetaHealer | Writer & Artist | Creative Soul & Infinite Being 

With Studies in Psychology & Philosophy (BA) | Currently Undertaking Masters in Counselling & Psychotherapy | Soon-to-be studying Holistic Integrative Creative Arts Therapies (HICAT)

Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for you and her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to believe in your Magic and embody your Soul! Sophie brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is a loving guide and sister to walk beside you on your path of evolution.

See what Sophie's clients have to say!

Write your awesome label here.

Evolve allows me to go deeper & channel clearer

While I am well into my awakening: aware of my patterns, I meditate, listen to high vibrational podcasts and identify actions I need to take towards healing, while also feeling my emotions - Evolve has allowed me to go deeper because of the dedicated weekly structure. I don't have to do it alone. It has increased the confidence in me to go out into the world again and deal with negativity that comes up. Lastly, it has made me more committed to my meditation and I have started to channel messages clearer.
Evolve participant
Write your awesome label here.

Cosmic timing

I just had to pause the video where I’m up to in the course to tell you that I love you. I am behind / on week 4 but like holy fuck the cosmic timing that I hear the messages you deliver is like !!! you’re absolutely magical bless you! 

Just want to say again I feel so so blessed to have even come across your work let alone get to be a part of this course!!! Thank you so much Sophie I have already noticed growth in my ability to handle my big emotions, especially with everything going on in the world!! Looking forward to learning more magic.
Evolve participant
Write your awesome label here.

The ability to hold loving space and to really see a person is a rarity

I love how you genuinely show up to support me! Many healers, starseed, mystic whatever ya wanna call it have a real talent for working with energy and channeling... but to have the ability to hold space so loving, supportive and really seeing a person is a rarity.
Evolve participant
Write your awesome label here.

It's transforming and healing

I am really grateful for this experience and sense of freedom. (I'm) Really trusting (my) inner knowing of soul/self facilitated by Sophie’s caring kindness. Feelings of positivity and hope… conscious awareness of the possibilities, creating a fabulous future… it’s transforming and healing.

Evolve participant
Write your awesome label here.

A system to use for the rest of your life!

This is 100% filled with healing energy - Sophie clearly pours her Heart and Soul into sharing her incredible Gifts in this Program. I honestly believe this is a system you will continue to use for the rest of your life - Yes, it's that good!

'Cleanse' participant
Write your awesome label here.

Would highly recommend!

Sophie's healing abilities were astonishing! You can really feel the energy and passion she brings to each session. I left [my session] with a clear mind after uncovering some old childhood wounds. Would highly recommend Sophie and what she has to offer!
Reiki client

Is Your Soul Calling You?

Write your awesome label here.
If you're wondering "who is this girl?", "is this legit?", "can I trust her?", or "will I actually benefit from this?" Then these videos offer a preview of what you can expect inside Evolve. You can decide for yourself.  
I believe if your Soul is calling you for this journey, you will know. Because we resonate on the soul-level.

Write your awesome label here.
This is just a taste of what you'll receive inside EVOLVE. 

If you received value from these videos, imagine how much you will gain from a whole course dedicated to your Soul's Evolution!

Do you feel the call?♡

Uncover Your Inner Wisdom & Soul's Gifts.

Become the vessel for your Soul to
Actively express your Purpose in this world.

Confidently Claim your Unique Magic &
feel Worthy
to express the Beautiful Gifts that
you are here to Share.
Release the binds of 3D thinking, and
step gracefully into a higher dimensional reality…
where your dreams are possible!

With magical activations, loving support, and grounded steps forward.

Ready to go even deeper on your path?

Your journey is as unique as you are. That's why, when you're really committing to your path, getting tailored support can be so beneficial!

Receive personalised guidance along your Evolution Journey with...


Premium offer ♡

If you want exclusive, personalised support for your unique journey, you can work with Sophie personally inside Evolve VIP.

Get exclusive 1:1 time tailored to you with a trained practitioner to enhance and excel your evolution, and get the most out of your time in Evolve.
Go even deeper into your Healing, Inner Child, Soul Activation and Shadow Work, to create the transformations you desire in your life, get clear on your soul purpose and progress in your goals.
Step into your next phase feeling supported & nourished, with a loving guide to help  you overcome your challenges and share the journey with you. 


Write your awesome label here.
Let me support you♡

Complimentary Call

Worth $111

Would you like a complimentary call with Sophie to clarify whether Evolve VIP is for you? 

Gain clarity on your intentions and next steps, with the loving support and guidance of a trained healer.
Enjoy a heartfelt conversation focused on you, helping you tap into your Heart & Intuition for genuine guidance aligned with your Soul.
Connect with Sophie personally and find out together whether you are a perfect fit for Evolve, and it for you!
Write your awesome label here.

Embody Your Soul's Magic,
Light & Potential.

Your next phase begins here!

𓂀 Select Your Journey 𓂀

Evolve Eco

$33.3/mo (3 payments)
The economical guide for your evolution.
  • Lifetime Access to Evolve Online Course (including future updates!)
  • No personalised support 

p.s. I've made this option as affordable as possible by reducing the total price from $999 to just $99.9, which is incredible value for quite an extensive course! 

However, if you cannot reasonably pay the full amount and you are committed to the course, you can contact me on instagram @cosmicallyencoded so we can discuss options for you :)

Evolve Support

$333.3/mo (5 payments)
Personalised Support for Your Evolution.
  • Lifetime Access to Evolve Online Course (including future updates!)
  • 3 Private Evolve Sessions with Sophie over 3 months 
  • No Surprise Gift

$333 discount when you pay in full

Limited spaces available

Evolve VIP

$999.9/mo (10 payments)
The Ultimate Container For Your Evolution.
  • Lifetime Access to Evolve Online Course (including future updates!)
  • 9 Private Evolve Sessions and 3 Integration Sessions with Sophie over 12 months 
  • Surprise Gift!

$999 discount when you pay in full

Limited spaces available

All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD)

For payment plans choose the credit card option on enrolment page.

𓁿 Divine Disclaimer 𓁿

 You don't 'need' this (or any offer)! You are empowered to create your life however you please, as you are the infinite creator of your reality. If your Soul has called you here, it's probably because it aligns with your journey becoming smoother, lighter and more magical (by your own creation of it to be so) ♡ Investing in this offer is not by any means necessary for your journey, yet potentially supportive, interesting, enjoyable and beneficial if you so decide :) it's up to you & your Soul to choose how to proceed, as the empowered creator of your life, & to craft your own unique path forward. 
Love and believe in you, infinitely! 

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