Invest in the Magic of YOU

The Ultimate Container for Your Evolution

Phase Personalised VIP Pathway

Be supported as you transform your life and shift into the next phase of you!
Evolve Online Course included.

This is a level-up from the Evolve Online Program, as you are accessing deeper personalised 1:1 support with Sophie, with specialised & focused attention on you and your journey.  Exclusive support for your transformations & deeply nurturing the next phase of you.

Invest in your Magic
Transform. Evolve.

Level Up &
Light Up Your Potential

Exclusive Support & Focused Attention
Deeply Nurturing the Next Phase Of You.

Personalised Guidance & Encouragement
Emboldening You to See Your Magic Clearly

Fine-Tune Your Inner Wisdom & Resilience
To Embody & Boldly Act on Your Purpose

You know you're here for more.

You know it deep in your bones. 
You feel it in your Soul.
You sense your dreams actualising within you.

The fire of your Purpose burns in your Heart.

You see the vision so clearly.
So close, you could almost touch it.

And you are close.
You know it.

You believe in your capability.
You know you will make it.
You trust in your divine path.
You trust in yourself.

So now - we meet at a crossroads.

The opportunity is here!
My hand it outstretched.
I'm ready to support you.

To guide you over that edge,
to be there with you as you dive deep,
to remind you of your power, in the moments you forget -
to celebrate you & witness you rise.

So that your journey can unfold in your highest timeline, with the most grace, ease & joy.

You know it's valuable to receive support.
Maybe you've been craving it.

Perhaps it's time to gift yourself something you've always deserved:
Support, Love, Nourishment

A Loving Sister to walk with you,
as you pave your Divine Path.

Will you take my hand? ♡

What's Included

Your Exclusive Container...

Direct 1:1 support with Sophie ~ a  customised journey through the 9 phases of evolution as Sophie personally guides & supports you.

🤍 9 Transformation Sessions

Dive Deep, with Support. Transform & Evolve. Find the Wisdom Within. 

Transformational healing, guided processes & mentorship with Sophie - customised for your current phase, needs & unique journey. These extended sessions hold space for your feelings, your deepest struggles & your deep inner work. You will be supported & guided to transform at your deepest level that you know is possible for you, so you can relax knowing you have don't have to do it all alone. 

🤍 PLUS 9 Integration Sessions

Ground, Discuss, Complete the Energies.
These sessions act as follow-ups for the transformation sessions. This space is for checking in seeing how you're going, ensuring you have integrated the wisdom & energies of the previous session, discussing any questions or realisations that came up for you, and keeping you accountable for any action steps you decided to take. This means if you have any lingering questions or uncertainties, or things feel incomplete, this can be properly addressed & clarified before moving into the next transformation

🤍 Evolve Online Program (Valued at $999)

The EVOLVE Course & Facebook Group are included in your VIP pathway.

9-Phase online journey uncover your inner wisdom & gifts to live your purpose & actualise your soul's potential! Includes 9 in-depth online modules, and a Facebook Group to share your experiences and keep yourself accountable for your journey!

18 sessions total.
With the EVOLVE online journey included.

the Investment


AUD (Australian Dollars). *Payment plans available

About Sophie

Write your awesome label here.

If you're here, it most likely means you're curious about working with me, or want to find out more about me! Watch this short video to hear a little bit about me & my work, what I'm about and how I can support you.

Book your free clarity call to register your interest in EVOLVE VIP. Once we've chatted & confirmed that this program is right for you, then we can sign you up and get started :)

Activations, Healing & Mentorship
to You & Your Journey

I'm Here To Support You!

Guiding your transformations & deeply nurturing the next phase of you.

Why work with me?

I'm for you if...


You want deep healing & cosmic activations, assisting you to transform yourself & life from the inside out.


You want to work with someone who is trained & specialises in working with you at a deep subconscious - and spiritual / soul - level.


You're looking for a supportive, listening ear to be there for you as you move through your transformations. AND you're willing to take a step back and receive the guidance, nourishment & healing being offered to you.


You're ready to invest - mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically, materially & spiritually - in the next phase of you. You're ready to take tangible action toward change in your life, as well as ready for deep healing and inner work. You want someone who cares & is invested in your journey too.


You're ready to look DEEPER than the surface level, to expand past your comfort zone and transform by truly facing your patters, limitations & pains, with honesty & love. You want someone who knows how to guide you deeper with yourself, to see clearly through your limitation - to your potential.


You realise it's time for you to take full responsibility for your life, actions, thoughts, feelings & choices. You know you'd love & are worthy of  having a supportive guide to be right there with you as you do so.

About Your Guide


Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!

Write your awesome label here.

Reiki Master | Light Language Channel | Soul Retrieval Practitioner | Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner | Spiritual & Life Mentor | Oracle Card Reader | Cosmic & Intuitive Channel | Nature & Animal Lover | Newbie Music Creator | Writer | Fairy!

What lights me up is perceiving the divine in the mundane, expressing my authentic Art, Heart & Soul & rediscovering myself every day. I'm at my best when I'm creating something unique, exploring new things, being in nature, serving as a vessel for light & healing, lit up with passion & creativity, in loving communities, moving in flow, dancing at festivals, playing with crystals and allowing my Soul to shine. 
My biggest struggle in this lifetime has been with self-belief. Namely: sharing my voice, seeing my worth and embracing my true self has been a whole journey for me... yet I've always known deep down I was capable of more than my limitations led me to think. I feel that lack of self-belief is a common illusion that MOST humans suffer from, sometimes their whole life. I find this so sad & unnecessary, when we are each beautifully unique, capable & intelligent beings! So... I love supporting beautiful humans just like me & you to believe in ourselves. To embrace our unique magic and expand our belief of what's possible for us as individuals, as Souls & as a human collective ~ to the infinite.

I'm here to serve as a reminder & activist for our Joy & Divinity.

I specialise in guiding & supporting you to...
  • Connect to the Divine within You,
  • Reclaim your Joy & Abundance Frequency,
  • Remember your Worth & embody Self-Love,
  • Connect with your Inner Child & live playfully!
  • Heal deep wounds with compassion & pure love.
  • Live more freely, guided by your Soul.
  • Connect with the Authenticity of who YOU are.
  • Discover your Passions & follow your Purpose.

Most importantly, I'm here for you.

I love you, I see you, I believe in you.
Let's Evolve!

Client Love

'The ability to hold loving space and to really see a person is a rarity'

I love how you genuinely show up to support me!

Many healers, starseed, mystic whatever ya wanna call it have a real talent for working with energy and channeling... but to have the ability to hold space so loving, supportive and really seeing a person is a rarity.

'A system to use for the rest of your life!'

This is 100% filled with healing energy - Sophie clearly pours her Heart and Soul into sharing her incredible Gifts in this Program.

I honestly believe this is a system you will continue to use for the rest of your life - Yes, it's that good!

'Would highly recommend!'

Sophie's healing abilities were astonishing! You can really feel the energy and passion she brings to each session.
I left my reiki session with a clear mind after uncovering some old childhood wounds.
Would highly recommend Sophie and what she has to offer!

''Felt in my heart it was for me''

I could resonate with the programme, felt in my heart it was for me.

I feel like my body released some emotions that no longer serve me. Raised my vibration. I felt lighter, more relaxed and definitely more grounded.

You Don't Have To Do It All Alone.
I Can't Wait to Support

If You're Ready For...

A Deep Dive With Your Soul:
where you will go into the DEPTHS,
in order to Rise Up even higher - 

to uncover your unique gifts, desires
& higher purpose on this earth

Energy Activations & Deep Healing:

to look into your darkness & give it Love, 
to upgrade yourself on all the levels necessary -
to activate your Soul, purify your Heart 
& align you with your Purpose.
A Commitment To Your Soul:
to truly ACT ON your Soul's purpose
and tangibly WALK your Higher Path,
to create a meaningful life that you ADORE.


If you're inspired by any of the above...
and you want the highest level
of support available to help you achieve your dreams...



Your Soul Is Calling...

Will You Answer?

Book your free Soul Connection Call to register your interest in EVOLVE VIP.
Once we've chatted & confirmed that this program is right for you, then we can sign you up and get started :)


Cosmically Encoded

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and BE your SOUL!

She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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