Awaken Your Cosmic Potential


Designed with your soul in mind

What you wear, reflects who you are

Are You Awakening to Your Soul's Higher Path?

When you wear Alchemy of the Soul, you're a walking Messenger of Light.

You're subconsciously activating the Soul-Remembrance of everyone who sees you! (and you look good too!)

Claim Your Higher Path, by symbolically wearing it

About Us...

We're Sophie and Chris, a couple with a passion for the esoteric.

You can find us hanging out in nature, conscious partying at doofs & festivals, meditating and doing spiritual work together. Among other things, Chris loves metal, conscious rap, anime and gaming and Sophie loves crystals, fairies, fantasy and cartoons. 

We take a 'human' approach to spirituality, merging the spiritual with the physical, so we can get the most out of being both human and spiritual beings.

We've designed items that we love - and we know if you're on the same wavelength as us, you'll love them too!

We are the creators of Alchemy of the Soul!
We're on a mission to share knowledge & spiritual light to support the awakening of humanity.
Chris envisioned Alchemy of the Soul years ago, so together we have been making it a reality.

We appreciate you being here.
Thank you for being you!

Online Services

Book an online service with us

  • Chris Aura  

Chris works with Soul Activation (energy transfer reset) to give you a total energetic reset of your life and a fresh slate. Chris works with Shamanism & Channeling to help you gather information and guidance on your path forward. 

  • Sophie | Cosmically Encoded  

Sophie works intuitively with Light Language, Reiki, Soul Retrieval and Channeling to best support you in finding your joy, expanding past limits and regaining inner confidence. Enter into a new phase of your life with harmony, clarity and knowing of your potential.


I love how you genuinely show up to support me. A lot of... mystics... whatever ya wanna call it have a real talent for working with energy and channeling, but to have the ability to hold space so loving and to really see a person is a rarity.


Sophie's Client
Markets & Events

Join us in-person at our market stalls & at festivals

* Crystals & Esoteric Wares
* Card Readings
* Energy Services 
* Workshops

& lots of good vibes!

Recent Events:

Alchemy of the Soul Stall - at St Ives Markets Saturday 8th July 2023 

Alchemy of the Soul Stall - at Marrickville Markets Sunday 9th July 2023

Sessions + Card Reading Workshop - at Dragon Dreaming October 2023

Workshops + Soul Activations - at Tribe Ascension December 2023

Get in contact with us regarding your market or event:

Ready to Remember Humanity's Galactic Heritage?

Welcome to the galactic space station.

of the Soul

Our Online Shop will be expanding in the near future, stay tuned!

Crystals to Energetically Uplift  

Info & Tips to support your path  

Esoteric Items to Spiritually Connect  

Meditations & Resources  


Markets & Events

You can find us at Spiritual Festivals across Australia, and select markets in Sydney.


Work with Chris and Sophie in a range of spiritual modalities.

Online Shop

Soul Aligned Clothing available now!

Shop our exclusive online range

While our full online range is still in the works, you can now shop our exclusive selection of spiritual clothing, designed with your Soul in mind...
**currently available online only 

Awaken Your Cosmic Potential.

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