Welcome ♡

Magical Soul!

Thank you for being here!

Here is your invitation to a personalised Soul Connection Call with me.

"Is this for me?" let's find out... ☟

Something to Soothe Your Soul ♡

You can listen while you scroll :)

Are You...

♡ Desiring a deeper connection with your Soul so you can experience spiritual fulfilment & know what to do next…

♡ Looking to build your self-esteem & confidence so you can
achieve your goals in life…

♡ Looking to go deeper on your personal development journey to be who you truly came here to be…

♡ Want to discover your purpose and live a soulful life so you can enjoy your life to the full & make a positive difference in the world…

♡ Interested in meditation, light language, shadow work, inner child play, cosmic healing & all things mystical… to activate your higher potentials? 

That's what I can help you with!

I'm Sophie!

My name is Sophie and I’m the founder of Cosmically Encoded Co - the online virtual vortex supporting you to actualise your Soul’s Potential.

I’m looking to reach the beautiful souls who align with the Cosmically Encoded message, mission and vibration! Maybe that's you?! (keep reading to find out)

I'm a Light Language Channel, Reiki Master, ThetaHealer, Soul Retrieval Practitioner, Meditation Guide & Transformation Coach. Over the past years I’ve honed my skills as a spiritual practitioner, become clear on my Soul Purpose and built up a magical collection of cosmic creations & offerings which I’m now ready to share with you!

Now I'm looking to connect with like-hearted souls who resonate with me, my soul and Cosmically Encoded. Is that you?....

Write your awesome label here.

One of my clients said this...

Sophie is fantastic. Supportive, positive strong, a firm guide, with empathy and kindness, non judgmental and free spirited. I am really grateful for this experience and sense of freedom.

- Sahra

Another said this...

This is 100% filled with healing energy - Sophie clearly pours her Heart and Soul into sharing her incredible Gifts in this Program. I honestly believe this is a system you will continue to use for the rest of your life - Yes, it's that good!' 

- Wilma

Is this you.....

Write your awesome label here.

Tell me,
Does this sound like you?

You're a kind-hearted person, sensitive, creative, multi-faceted & wise.

You resonate with the idea that we are cosmic beings, living a human existence - and that we are infinitely capable.

You feel driven to make a positive difference in the world, you care about people, humanity and the earth.

You can feel that your soul has beautiful dreams for your life, even if you're just starting to awaken to them...

You have probably already explored some meditation, energy healing, personal development, spiritual practices and have a deep interest in the esoteric.

Did you say yes to any of these?
Amazing! What about these...

is this you...

You are driven to become the best version of yourself.

When you hear the phrase 'believe in your infinite potential' ~ these words spark inspiration in you.

You feel somehow cosmically connected to this page, these words and maybe with Sophie ~ on the Soul-level.

You feel your Soul has drawn you to reading these very words in this very moment.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

maybe this is you too...

Because you have often felt slightly different or out-of-place - You may have had a hard time fitting into society or a hard time knowing and getting what you want in life.

You believe (or want to believe) deep down that you're capable of SO MUCH - and you want to explore yourself more deeply so you can begin actualising your Soul's potential.

You don't want to keep living life the same way others do, or the same way you have been - you want to create a way of living that suits your Soul and embraces your unique expression.

You crave a life of Soul fulfilment and Purpose.

That's where I come in :)

As I mentioned, I want to connect with more beautiful souls who are aligned with Cosmically Encoded and with me. If you answered yes to some of the above - then, I believe, that incudes you!

That's why I'm offering this Soul Connection Call - for those of you who feel genuinely drawn to it!

Inside your Soul Connection Call we’ll get to know each other a little better, there will be space for you to share some of your challenges & dreams for your life, I can answer questions you may have and I will support you to find clarity on possible next steps for you.

Write your awesome label here.

It's part of my Soul Purpose to connect, support and share inspiration with beautiful magical beings like yourself. 

So - I can't wait to connect with you!

I have two intentions for our call together...

My first intention is for every single person who signs up for this call...
to provide you with a safe & nurturing space to connect Soul-to-Soul, where you are able to open up and be more of your true self. That you will leave feeling more connected and inspired about life, and with an idea of what Cosmically Encoded is about.

My second intention is for those who want my support to create positive change in your life...

If that's you - my intention is that you will feel so connected and inspired by our time together that you know in your Soul that you want to continue working together! In this case, there will be opportunities to do so :)

In both cases, we all win! 

The Soul Connection Call is designed to: 

✧ provide you with a safe space to be you, so you can feel more positively about yourself and remember who you are,
✧ offer inspiration for your future and clarity on your possible next steps,
✧ help you reconnect with your soul, your inner wisdom, your spiritual essence,

✧ remind you of your Soul’s unique magic and empower you to believe in your infinite potential.

A personal reflection

I’ve come to realise that I hid myself away for too long - maybe you can relate. I didn’t cultivate my skills & spiritual connection to keep them hidden - it’s part of my purpose on this planet to share it. My gifts, creativity, ideas, and the wisdom of my Soul crave to be shared. This, I believe, is true for you too - and I hope to inspire you to live your purpose & share your wisdom, whether through our call, working together further, or even just through reading these very words. This Soul Connection Call is an ideal way for me (maybe you too?) to step out of hiding and to really connect with the world in a meaningful way.

See you soon.

Love, Sophie

Write your awesome label here.

Curious? Feel your Soul calling you?

Then, I invite you to sign up and I truly look forward to connecting with you!

Limited spaces available as I do have other life commitments :)

Cosmically Encoded

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
About me
Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and believe in your SOUL!

She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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