The Joy of Being YOU.

>> Includes 3 x Personal 1:1 Sessions with Sophie + 2 x Online Energy Programs

Week 1

Self Confidence

Start to heal your relationship with YOURSELF. 

Unblock core wounds surrounding self-confidence & self-love, 

so that you can step forward with confidence in your life.

Week 2

Inner Child

Heal past wounds that disconnected you from your JOY in life.

Reconnect with your innate PLAYFULNESS & inner FREEDOM, 

so that you can ENJOY yourself & remember the fun in life!

Week 3


Connect more deeply to your "purpose" here on earth, 

finding that deeper meaning & fulfilment in your life (whatever that may be for you).

Release limiting beliefs around living your purpose (or knowing what that is), 

so that you can step more freely into who you came here to be!

What you are going to receive


3 weeks of high vibrational 1:1 support.

Nourish. Nurture. Receive.

Sophie will be supporting you with the frequencies of Love, Joy & Compassion to assist you to shift through what comes up for you within your sessions. I use Reiki, Light Language & Soul Retrieval, as well as channeling - in whatever ways I am guided - to support you to gracefully move into higher states of being through our time together.

You will also be supported by the Divine Realms,
your Guides, Angels, Ancestors & any light beings you personally connect to - they will be guiding the sessions, working on your energetically and holding loving space for you to heal and evolve.
This can result in...

  • Deeper sense of Self-Love & Joy

  • Enhancing your Intuition, as we clear away past programming blocking your Soul's essence

  • Clarity & peace of mind, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you can now relax and be yourself.

  • Deepening of your Purpose Work, and/or greater understanding of who you are as a Soul, the essence you bring to earth and your "purpose" here.

  • Clarity on your current life situations, including your relationships, and how to best move forward.

  • Acceptance, forgiveness & even gratitude for your past. Understanding the value you have gained from your experiences, the wisdom it gifted you.

  • and more! Your results will be personal to you.*

*results will be different for each person. This page offers examples of what past clients have experienced in sessions, and what may occur - however these specific results can't be guaranteed, as each individual's experience will be personal to them. Sophie, Cosmically Encoded Co. and any of our products/services are not a substitute for medical, mental health, financial or any other professional advice or assistance. Do not use in place of these.

You also receive 2 Online Energy Programs when you sign up!

What you are going to Receive


This program gives you a full energy cleanse.

This frees you to be more aligned with the True You.

You will receive 11 energy sessions and transmissions~ including Light Language & Reiki~ specifically designed to CLEANSE your chakras & your energy bodies!

We are releasing old, dense energies from the past, and allowing your energy to be cleansed & cleared of anything that isn’t serving you.

Once you've completed the 2 week program, you can come back to CLEANSE any time you feel called for a renewal of your energy - it will work on a new layer of your energy each time.

It is recommended that you watch at most one video per day, as these are deep & powerful energy cleanses that can bring up and shift a lot of unconscious energies. Be mindful and gentle with yourself, allow yourself the time to process.
This can result in...

  • Emotional release - you may cry or have emotions, thoughts or memories from the past arise, in order to be shifted & healed - and a sense of relief & burden lifted, after fully processing this.

  • Change in energy levels - you may feel more energised after releasing dense, lower vibrational energies previously holding you down.

  • Greater levels of happiness & a more positive mindset, after releasing limiting patterns.

  • Deeper connection to your intuition, creativity and spiritual (or other) gifts, as you've cleared layers of density that were blocking you from your inner clarity

  • Increased ability to take positive, aligned action - as the dense energies and limiting thoughts preventing you from action have been released.

  • and more! Your experience will be personal to you.*

*results will be different for each person. This page offers examples of what past participants have experienced, and what may occur - however these specific results can't be guaranteed, as each individual's experience will be personal to them. Cosmically Encoded Co. and any of our products/services are not a substitute for medical, mental health or any other professional advice or assistance. Do not use in place of these.

What you are going to Receive


The ACTIVATE program attunes you to higher frequencies, and activates these frequencies within you! 

Attuning you to the cosmic aspects of You.

You will receive altogether 22 energy sessions and transmissions: Light Language, Affirmations + a Guided Meditation.

Activating & Reminding you of the infinite, cosmic, divine frequencies & codes within.

It is recommended that you utilise these activations regularly (particularly the audios + guided meditation), to continuously encode & solidify these frequencies within your field of awareness & amplify the effects for you.
This can result in...

      • Feeling vibrationally lighter, brighter, freer, more joyful & abundance in your life, as these frequencies have been activated and you have been reminded of their presence within you.

      • Receiving inspiration & divine guidance, as you are attuned to higher frequencies and open to receiving them.

      • Remembering cosmic places, past lives or other magical realms you have lived in.

      • Activation of your Soul Gifts, as you have energetically opened & activated the pathways for them to flow through.

      • Remembrance of who you are as a Cosmic Being, as you've been consciously reminded and energetically activated to this knowing.

      • Increased confidence and purpose in your life, as you're attuning more to your Soul Frequency.

      • Increased motivation & energy to act on your inspirations and to play and have fun in life, as you've re-activated the Joy and Magic within.

      • and more! Your experience will be personal to you.*

      *results will be different for each person. This page offers examples of what past participants have experienced, and what may occur - however these specific results can't be guaranteed, as each individual's experience will be personal to them. Cosmically Encoded Co. and any of our products/services are not a substitute for medical, mental health or any other professional advice or assistance. Do not use in place of these.

      Nourish. Nurture. Receive.

      1:1 Sessions

      Three sessions with me. A safe, nurturing space to heal & re-align with your true self. These sessions are half an hour each.

      2 x Energy Programs

      High Frequency Light Activations & Healings to completely reset your energy and raise your vibration


      Self-reflection prompts put together for you, to enhance your self-healing - chosen specifically for each week's session.

      Supported by The Divine

      Your guides & angels will be supporting & guiding our sessions energetically, while I hold loving space & guide your healing in the physical.



      the Joy of Being YOU.


      Cosmically Encoded

      Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
      Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
      Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and BE your SOUL!

      She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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