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Vibrational Healing

High Frequency Sound Journeys
With Georgina & Sophie

Audio/Video Series


2 Guided Vibrational Sound Journeys


Singing Bowls + Light Language


Guided Meditations + Affirmations


1 Hour+



Two Beautiful Sound Journeys

Infusing You With Light

Dive Deep Within Yourself...

To Release The Past...

And Activate Your Infinite Potential.

With the Power of Vibration

What you are going to learn

Vibrational Healing

Sound Frequencies of the Singing Bowls completely bypass the conscious mind and works directly with the cells and energy bodies. You are uplifted and aligned to higher frequency states, through the magic + science of sound.

Light Language is a multi-dimensional form of energy transmission which can activate, heal, cleanse and assist you in whatever way you most need at the time of receiving. Also bypassing the conscious mind and working directly with the subconscious and energetics to uplift & expand you.

Guided Meditation + Visualisation guide you to a place of surrender and deep relaxation, where your subconscious mind can be more open to receiving new positive, high vibrational ideas and frequencies being transmitted through the Sound Journey. You may be guided in Visualisations to assist you in releases energies, and stepping into your power and potential.

encode new positive potentials & ideas into the subconscious, activating within you self-belief, love & joy of living.
This may result in...

  • Deep relaxation, a trance-like state during and sometimes after the journey.

  • Deeply buried past wounds or memories arising to be seen, loved & healed throughout the journey, and possibly afterwards. Crying or emotional release is normal.

  • Forgiveness of past situations you previously found hard to forgive, and/or seeing situations from a new light and coming to some new resolution, whatever that may be for you - it feels more peaceful than before.

  • Visions in your mind, sensations or feelings throughout your body during the Sounds Journey. You may see energies, places, etc.

  • Feeling of release & relief, like you have let go of something heavy and can now be free! Feelings of bliss, joy, love & gratitude can arise.

  • You may feel tired or restful directly after the session, so you are encouraged to take care of yourself with plenty of rest, water & gentle movement. 

  • and more! Your experience will be personal to you.*

It is recommended to listen utilise these Sound Journeys more than once, if you feel called. You can come back to them any time you want some relaxation and to be guided into a higher state of being. Each time, it will renew you and work on a new layer of your being, amplifying and continuing the effects for you.

*results will be different for each person. This page offers examples of what past participants have experienced, and what may occur - however these specific results can't be guaranteed, as each individual's experience will be personal to them. Cosmically Encoded Co. and any of our products/services are not a substitute for medical, mental health or any other professional advice or assistance. Do not use in place of these.

Kalamai Healing

Vibrational Healer, 432 Sound Healer
Galactic Channel, Grid-Worker
Georgina works with the natural elements, cosmic consciousness and sound vibration to remind & activate your true potential. She channels galactic guides and energies to anchor in high vibrational grids on earth.

Georgina creates immersive experiences  - in which you can rest in high frequencies to amplify your enjoyment earth, activation of your potential and connection with the Divine.

Cosmically Encoded

Cosmic Channel for Love, Joy & Support!
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Conduit for Divine Healing
Sophie works with the magical & cosmic realms, channeling light codes, spoken word & intuitive guidance for her clients. Sophie’s passion is to guide you to deeper self-understanding, self-belief, to remember your Magic and BE your SOUL!

She brings the essence of joy & an aura of love with her into every session & offering, encouraging you to playfully reconnect with your heart & your inner child. Sophie is here on Earth to support, guide and uplift~ through her energetic and spiritual work :)
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